
Low-paid families will be hardest hit by Conservative cuts, says TUC

By agency reporter
April 30, 2015

The publication of analysis by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) of tax and benefit proposals by the main parties shows how severe and painful the impacts of extreme Conservative cuts for low-paid families with children will be , says the Trades Union Congress (TUC).

The IFS warns that Conservative proposals “would almost certainly require significant cuts to some of the main benefits – child benefit, housing benefit, tax credits and disability benefits.”

The IFS also says that the pace of cuts would be faster than in the last government, the cuts would hit the poorest households hardest, and would require cash reductions rather than just the freezing of benefit rates.

By contrast, the IFS says it is those on higher incomes who would do best from Conservative proposals, with the biggest winners, including those with incomes of £150,000.

TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady said: “The IFS report shows that the Conservatives will cut taxes for the better off, and fund it with cuts to benefits and tax credits for the very hard-working families they claim to champion.

“With one in five earning less than the living wage, millions of working people depend on a proper welfare safety net to make ends meet.

“This is not dealing with abuse, it’s ripping the heart out of a welfare safety net that any of us might need.”

* Read the IFS report here: http://www.ifs.org.uk/uploads/publications/bns/BN172.pdf

* TUC research showing the effect of the coalition’s welfare cuts on low-paid working families can be found here: https://www.tuc.org.uk/economic-issues/social-issues/child-poverty/welfa...

* TUC https://www.tuc.org.uk/


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